A Solution for Children with T1D

Project Overview

A service and product design solution for children recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The goal of the project was to provide a process that could make this new discovery less daunting to the family and mitigate some of the worry and concern involved. The final deck was presented in-person to senior stakeholders at BCG DV New York for investor consideration.

Client: BCG DV
Date: August 29, 2018
Services: Research, Service Design


The current state of wearable solutions, digital applications and ever smaller form factors tells us there is something here. This is not to say that there are not many more steps to validate this solution as viable for the problem at hand.

Next steps

These steps would be critical in validating this solution early on. I’m very interested in not only validating the readiness of the Smart Patch but hearing Dr. Zhen expound on its programmability and future applications.

  • Call or email Dr. Zhen and after some initial questioning arrange an in-person meeting at his lab/UNC in North Carolina – (2 – 3 weeks – 1 month).
  • Have another team of UX researchers create discussion guides and interview recently diagnosed patients and their families – 3 – 5 month(s).
  • Speak to the ADA (American Diabetes Association) – (2 – 3 month(s) – includes: phone calls, emails, meetings, interviews, coding, synthesis, and insight building.
  • Extensive market research and comparative analysis – (4 – 7 month(s) – includes: market canvassing, ethnographic study(?-questionable tactic for current problem-explain), patient diary studies.